Four years on and counting

I’ve now had this blog for a little over four years. I first bought this domain in 2007 but left it with just a humble ‘under construction’ front page for almost two years. Then back in 2009, my partner suggested that I use the site to record my opinions. I’m so grateful for that advice.

So I learned how to install WordPress on my domain and within a few weeks, I was blogging with ease.

Four years on and I am pleased with how much I’ve accomplished. I have no programming knowledge or developer skills. I think it’s great that you don’t need any to run a blog these days.

It’s fantastic to read old posts and remember what things were happening in my life at the time. Back then, I hadn’t graduated from university and I was trying to  establish a business analyst career even though I was living overseas.

The purpose of this blog was to record all the things that seemed important to me and to track my career journey. It has been great to achieve all the goals I’ve set for myself since then.

My posts have become less frequent but the content I have to share nowadays is what I wanted all along. It’s good to know I have this blog next to me all the time to share snippets of time throughout my life.

I hope you enjoy reading this content. I recommend blogging to anyone. It’s a great pastime.

The 3 real reasons to why I blog

  1. To learn about setting up a website. Despite not knowing how to program, I was able to learn how to run a Content Management System (CMS) with little if any assistance.
  2. To establish an internet presence in case anyone wanted to learn more about me. Better they learn through what I publish than to not find anything or content that is not flattering.  I allow people to get a picture of what type of person I am without needing to meet me.
  3. To practise expressing my thoughts and opinions. I’ve always got things on my mind so it’s good to write about them. I expect my skills to improve with time.

Another benefit I have noticed from blogging is that it helps against procrastination. By writing a post, I endeavour to get it done and published so that it’s out of the way and sometimes I prepare posts in advance so that my blog remains as active as possible.

Once again, new blog layout

I’ve changed the wordpress theme as I felt it needed a new look and feel. The photo on the front of the page is of Valparaiso, my birthplace.

It’s been 8 months since I’ve started using wordpress and my only regret is not having used it earlier. I never thought a web page could be done so nicely without the use of Adobe Dreamweaver. I originally doubted using blogging software to manage a website but it has been so useful.

With wordpress, the software doesn’t get in the way of the blogging. I just have to focus on my writing and wordpress practically takes care of itself.

If you are thinking about starting a blog for personal use or groupwork, then you should try out a free blog from
If you need something more scalable and the ability to customise, then you should register a domain name and pay for web hosting. You then download the software and install it into your database on your website. From then on all you need is your username and password and an internet connection to be able to publish from anywhere in the world.

It’s as easy as writing an email to a friend.

More content coming soon.

Why I Blog and What I Have to Offer

I used to think that blogs were only for IT people, writers, poets and loners or perhaps all of the above until one day…

I first registered a domain with web hosting to create a personal webpage using HTML software. Two years went by and I hadn’t done much. My girlfriend suggested that I use my website for a blog so that I could write about my ideas, opinions and get day-to-day stuff off my chest. Continue reading

Blogging v microblogging v tumble blogs

I’m back on my blog after two weeks of installing and playing with kubuntu linux.

The other night I was convinced that I found a meaning to all this web 2.0 publishing. So here are my thoughts on what you can use each publishing service for.

Blogging: Here is where one could post an article of medium or long length. The emphasis here is placed more on content than design. Continue reading