The 3 real reasons to why I blog

  1. To learn about setting up a website. Despite not knowing how to program, I was able to learn how to run a Content Management System (CMS) with little if any assistance.
  2. To establish an internet presence in case anyone wanted to learn more about me. Better they learn through what I publish than to not find anything or content that is not flattering.  I allow people to get a picture of what type of person I am without needing to meet me.
  3. To practise expressing my thoughts and opinions. I’ve always got things on my mind so it’s good to write about them. I expect my skills to improve with time.

Another benefit I have noticed from blogging is that it helps against procrastination. By writing a post, I endeavour to get it done and published so that it’s out of the way and sometimes I prepare posts in advance so that my blog remains as active as possible.