How private should your blog be?

The longer you maintain a blog, the probability that you’re leaking out your private life increases. This is the case for personal blogs.

I’ve gotten to the stage where my posts have slowed down and I’ve less things to write about. The next hurdle will be whether I decide to open up completely and start blogging about my every day. There are certain things I’ve kept private about my online profile. This includes the schools I’ve attended, the places I have worked and personal contact information. Continue reading

Once again, new blog layout

I’ve changed the wordpress theme as I felt it needed a new look and feel. The photo on the front of the page is of Valparaiso, my birthplace.

It’s been 8 months since I’ve started using wordpress and my only regret is not having used it earlier. I never thought a web page could be done so nicely without the use of Adobe Dreamweaver. I originally doubted using blogging software to manage a website but it has been so useful.

With wordpress, the software doesn’t get in the way of the blogging. I just have to focus on my writing and wordpress practically takes care of itself.

If you are thinking about starting a blog for personal use or groupwork, then you should try out a free blog from
If you need something more scalable and the ability to customise, then you should register a domain name and pay for web hosting. You then download the software and install it into your database on your website. From then on all you need is your username and password and an internet connection to be able to publish from anywhere in the world.

It’s as easy as writing an email to a friend.

More content coming soon.

Weird occurences in Word Press

I’m a happy user of the open source wordpress software for blogging but there are two issues I have with it.

  1. Posts get published with the created date instead of the final published date
  2. A post that was in my drafts got accidentally deleted without being prompted before continuing.

A big annoyance as I had put in a lot of time into this article.

It seems that I will now have to learn to use external blog editors to handle my writing as the web interface is just too risky.

Has anyone else had these problems?

Social Networking for Musicians

Creating an Online Internet Profile (OIP)

For a music band that isn’t connected to a record label, OIP is vital.

The notion that alternative music need not use social networking tools because of pop fads or trends is now outdated. Whether you produce folk music, death hip-hop or political punk rock or even opera, a credible internet presence can do nothing else than enhance your reputation.

Currently the internet is an inexpensive medium that reaches a mass audience of distinct ages and demographics. Being accessible to distant fans can take your success higher than what was possible ten years ago, and this is possible without much budget spent on advertising. Now let’s look at the tools available.

Social Media

The above concept has changed the way we view networking and even critics cannot play down the influence and significance of this trend called web 2.0.

There are more than enough useful applications to use on the internet. While it is advisable to have several appearances or entrance points online, it isn’t necessary to use every one available as maintenance becomes time consuming. It’s best to stick with the most common ones as the audiences there are larger. Now let’s investigate the crucial applications you need to have to create that mass following. Continue reading

Why I Blog and What I Have to Offer

I used to think that blogs were only for IT people, writers, poets and loners or perhaps all of the above until one day…

I first registered a domain with web hosting to create a personal webpage using HTML software. Two years went by and I hadn’t done much. My girlfriend suggested that I use my website for a blog so that I could write about my ideas, opinions and get day-to-day stuff off my chest. Continue reading