Mediocre jobs for mediocre satisfaction

I’ve been putting off publishing this post for a while now but I think it’s important to do so. I enjoy writing positive and constructive posts but every now and then you have to be aware of the things that threaten your happiness, well being and levels of enjoyment. We’ve all had less than satisfactory jobs before (well, most of us). This following post indicates why it’s necessary to leave these jobs as quickly as possible for our own sake – global financial recession in place or not!

So why are we all here? I think it’s quite old to think that you do a job simply for the money.

Humans, being curious species, we search for more than just shelter and a bit of cash savings.

Fulfilment is the new currency nowadays. What do I mean by that?

  • We want relationships
  • We want good health
  • We want money to do the things or buy the things we desire
  • We want spirituality or faith, that offers the logic we need, to better understand the circumstances that we face
  • We want time. Free time to enjoy our spoils

This is my understanding of what comprises fulfilment in one’s life.

How can you feel fulfilled if your job doesn’t reach the same high expectations that you’ve set for the other aspects of your life? Life is about risk. Risk identification, risk mitigation and risk management. You’re taking a risk when tolerating bad working conditions (in other words, continuing in a crappy job). The risks are that the stresses involved will affect other areas of your life and eventually, decrease your levels of enjoyment. Continue reading

One year on, here I am

A year ago I was sitting with my laptop in Chile setting up wordpress on my self-hosted domain. It was very exciting to approach publishing something that was mine on my own space.

I didn’t have much to write about then as I was cautious about opening up too much on the internet, I thought I’d write a few posts about travelling and my experience as an Australian living in Chile. Continue reading

Quick pizza dough recipe

I was searching for an easy pizza dough recipe on youtube the other day. I found so many variations so in order to avoid confusing, I took the best elements from three different recipes and mixed them together. This is what I came up with. I am probably doing some things wrong. I am keen to receive feedback or advice. I was quite happy with the result but it would be ideal to get a more elastic and stretchy dough.  Give this recipe a go, the results have been satisfactory so far. Continue reading

The 3 real reasons to why I blog

  1. To learn about setting up a website. Despite not knowing how to program, I was able to learn how to run a Content Management System (CMS) with little if any assistance.
  2. To establish an internet presence in case anyone wanted to learn more about me. Better they learn through what I publish than to not find anything or content that is not flattering.  I allow people to get a picture of what type of person I am without needing to meet me.
  3. To practise expressing my thoughts and opinions. I’ve always got things on my mind so it’s good to write about them. I expect my skills to improve with time.

Another benefit I have noticed from blogging is that it helps against procrastination. By writing a post, I endeavour to get it done and published so that it’s out of the way and sometimes I prepare posts in advance so that my blog remains as active as possible.