Mediocre jobs for mediocre satisfaction

I’ve been putting off publishing this post for a while now but I think it’s important to do so. I enjoy writing positive and constructive posts but every now and then you have to be aware of the things that threaten your happiness, well being and levels of enjoyment. We’ve all had less than satisfactory jobs before (well, most of us). This following post indicates why it’s necessary to leave these jobs as quickly as possible for our own sake – global financial recession in place or not!

So why are we all here? I think it’s quite old to think that you do a job simply for the money.

Humans, being curious species, we search for more than just shelter and a bit of cash savings.

Fulfilment is the new currency nowadays. What do I mean by that?

  • We want relationships
  • We want good health
  • We want money to do the things or buy the things we desire
  • We want spirituality or faith, that offers the logic we need, to better understand the circumstances that we face
  • We want time. Free time to enjoy our spoils

This is my understanding of what comprises fulfilment in one’s life.

How can you feel fulfilled if your job doesn’t reach the same high expectations that you’ve set for the other aspects of your life? Life is about risk. Risk identification, risk mitigation and risk management. You’re taking a risk when tolerating bad working conditions (in other words, continuing in a crappy job). The risks are that the stresses involved will affect other areas of your life and eventually, decrease your levels of enjoyment.

There’s also the risk on the other hand. If you stop work now, how soon will you find another job? Does quitting your job disadvantage your ability to find your next job? How long can you survive with no income?

Well, these are my thoughts.

We weren’t put on this earth to remain at crappy jobs.

A bad workplace will more likely detract and deter the good and competent employees, that every organisation needs.

Even successful companies who can no longer retain staff (of either good or bad calibre) will encounter operational and tactical challenges that will eventually materialise into financial burden.

A company cannot survive for too long when it has constant employee turnover. Unfortunately, if tasks take longer for monopolies to realise this challenge but eventually it opens up the road for competition in that industry.

Ok, the company’s bad, all the good people have gone. You see that it’s not going to get better and you decide to stay there, be loyal and help the company come back?

Why resist all the logic?

Your feelings are giving you signs: your enjoyment levels are reduced.

For how long are you willing to put up with the consequences of such an unfavourable predicament?

Just get out man! It won’t kill you. You might lose a bit of income. You may not get the job you idealise next but one thing’s for sure, you won’t encounter many rewards for staying. That’s right, loyalty does not get compensated in this scenario.

I will finish by presenting a belief of mine.

I believe that successful people know where they need to be and know where they don’t need to be

…listen to your intuition and begin walking in the direction of your long awaited success.