
Ironically, I could’ve written this post sooner! Jokes aside, the longer I live, the more I become aware of this issue affecting all of us to some degree.

I ask myself why I decide to write blog posts while I should be reading and preparing a presentation for university. I wait, I sit down and find ways to distract myself while looking busy.

Everything needs to get done first before I can advance. Stuff that I had put off months ago now looks simple and ready to get done. Enough!

I cannot fool myself. I’m aware of the consequences of not fulfilling my tasks. It should not be out of fear that I get something done but out of satisfaction for the benefits the result will bring.

I am not a procrastinator, I am a dreamer. I believe in myself, in my talents and in my potential. I am proud of what I’ve accomplished and I know I’ll be proud of my next result.

I am the bridge between my dream and reality. What gets created in my mind must be re-created in this world. I will sacrifice, I will work hard. I shall accomplish, what I’ve been postponing for days.

Too busy for grudges, no time for enemies

The title says it all. If we all sat down and had a discussion about all the times we were hard-done-by, I think we’d be able to fill libraries worth of stories!

Guess what? Worse things have happened to others. Life goes on and if you can read this if means you’re still breathing so time to move on in the same way, time already has.


It’s quite possible to make enemies out of anybody, even people we don’t know personally (eg. George Bush, Sadam Hussein, Alan Jones etc). It’s just not necessary. A smart man from Delloitte once said:

It’s not worth holding grudges. You waste your own energy and possibly give ammunition to those who aren’t in your favour. Continue reading