Uni students’ lack of Linux Interest

I have spent some time studying an IT related degree and I am surprised about the lack of adoption or conversation about the GNU Linux operating system. Even friends from the Bachelor of IT or software engineering degrees are reluctant to experiment with Open Source applications.

As university degrees attempt to become more workforce oriented and practical there is an enourmous bias towards the Windows operating system and all of its applications.

At our faculty there were around 4 windows computer labs to 1 linux lab. I did have some Linux interaction in a operating systems unit but the tasks were centered around process scheduling, forks and threads.

In another unit I was lucky to make a presentation about Linux as a desktop system . Most of the class listened with amazement as if I were introducing mircrowaves for the first time. My teacher knew more than the rest about Linux however, I got the impression that his knowledge had come more from magazines than first hand experience. Continue reading


It was always the ever-present search for something I didn’t know

Always too timid to go out and get it

Frustrated because time would go by without granting me my wish

Then one winter afternoon I was blessed with the greatest gift of all

I found love or better put, it found me and left a permanent mark on my heart

Believe me there is no better feeling than to experience emotions for someone and to love them

It is however, incredibly greater to have this and to know that the person feels the same and loves you back

I love you Camila

CyR 4 eva

Why I Blog and What I Have to Offer

I used to think that blogs were only for IT people, writers, poets and loners or perhaps all of the above until one day…

I first registered a domain with web hosting to create a personal webpage using HTML software. Two years went by and I hadn’t done much. My girlfriend suggested that I use my website for a blog so that I could write about my ideas, opinions and get day-to-day stuff off my chest. Continue reading

Laptop stolen: What I should have done

Acer 5735, 3GB RAM, 320GB storage, 2GHZ intel duo core.

When it comes to laptops, there are many incidents that can occur ranging from coffee being spilled, laptop being stolen, laptop falling onto the ground and breaking or worse, laptop falling into a pool.

Initially, I didn’t want to include non-positive events in my blog but facts are facts. My laptop got stolen from my home and I lost all the data that was on it. The article below will provide information on how to prepare for incidents that result in the loss of your laptop and more importantly, the loss of data. Continue reading

Fettucine: quick, simple & delicious

Fettucine with red sauce

This isn’t the best shot, trust me it tastes better than it looks. So I’ve learned that there are different variations of the bolognese sauce. In order to avoid erroneous practises, I prefer to call it red sauce or meat sauce.

Not really much to write about here except for the combination of ingredients I used. They are:

  • 500g minced beef, low fat kind
  • One tin of peeled tomatos (I wanted to use fresh)
  • 100mL of tomato paste
  • Dried basil (fresh basil is out of season)
  • Dried oregano
  • Cracked black pepper
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • White wine (not red, it’s a secret)
  • diced onions
  • olive oil (this ingredient adds to the controversy) Continue reading