What’s going on with pop music?

I’ll admit it. I like oldies from the 60s and 70s (and I’m not talking about led zepplin or Jimi Hendrix either, I’m talking outright pop). Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong generation.

Nowadays pop music gives us about 3-5 good songs in the year. Good track, decent vocals, catchy tune. But where’s the content? Continue reading

My Favourite Pastimes

Believe it or not, it’s not listening to music or going to the movies (it probably used to be).

My favourite pass-time is enjoying good company but most importantly, good conversation. You can hold good conversations anywhere. On a plane, while walking through a National Park, at a cafe or while driving.

A good espresso coffee (one of my favourite consumables) isn’t much without a conversation and of course, company.

Other pastimes:

  • Shaving (traditional wet-shaving with a double edge razor blade, none of this gillette 5 blade crap)
  • Taking photos (SLR, point and shoot, doesn’t matter. You can improve the photo later on picasa. Yes, because photoshop is too hard)
  • Making BBQ (only on the weber, preferably wood charcoal but briquettes are ok too, no gas burner though)
  • Preparing coffee (about as relaxing/therapeutic as shaving)
  • drawing (charcoal, graphite pencil. I don’t use other materials)
  • writing
  • and on occasion, smoking a cigar.

Photo by the sea, edited on picasa

Childhood dreams

Picture from: http://www.nutrigrain.com.au/iron-man-series.aspx

While growing up, I changed my childhood dreams a fair bit.

Primary School Dreams

The earliest dream I can recall is wanting to be an iron man tri-athelete. I loved the beach and I was getting far with my swimming lessons at the time.

I then found a passion in books. It seemed logical that I would want to become a writer, like my favourite authors Roal Dahl and Paul Jennings. After being told that I wouldn’t make much money from being a writer, I soon lost enthusiasm for that dream.

It would be a few years before I would create another destiny for myself. I was in year 6, I was elected the school captain for my primary school. It was the year Pauline Hanson made headlines over her controversial views and statements. I had given a speech in class condemning her views and the racism she was promoting. I had finally decided that I wanted to be the prime minister of Australia. It was the same year that I discovered that John Christopher Watson – Australia’s and the world’s first Labour Prime Minister (1904) – was born in Valparaiso, Chile just like me. Continue reading

Is it possible to have just one email address?

I don’t know if I’m alone here but I have 5 email addresses that I care to admit to and probably 3 others that I check from time to time also.

This for me is a problem but how do I let go of them all?

I could keep all the addresses alive and just feed them all into one main address but this issue isn’t about filling up my inbox, it’s about having just one contact gateway.

Can it be done? Continue reading

Canberra Centre Car Park: Misleading Practises

If you’ve ever lived in Canberra, ACT, Australia for a substantial period of time, you’d be familiar with the Canberra Centre. It’s Canberra’s biggest shopping mall. Today, I will rant about how I got overpriced at the Canberra Centre carpark on Boxing Day, December 26, 2009.

Upon entering the Canberra Centre car park today, Saturday 26 of December 2009, I paid close attention to the Centre’s rates.  It shows the prices for normal shopping days and then at the bottom, prices for non-normal shopping days.

It clearly states that for Sundays or Public Holidays, there is flate rate of $2.

I was surprised and disappointed when upon paying for my stay today, the machine charged $5.60 for about 3 hours of parking. Now I know today is not Sunday but I’m pretty sure the 26th of December – otherwise known as Boxing Day – is a public holiday! Continue reading