
Ironically, I could’ve written this post sooner! Jokes aside, the longer I live, the more I become aware of this issue affecting all of us to some degree.

I ask myself why I decide to write blog posts while I should be reading and preparing a presentation for university. I wait, I sit down and find ways to distract myself while looking busy.

Everything needs to get done first before I can advance. Stuff that I had put off months ago now looks simple and ready to get done. Enough!

I cannot fool myself. I’m aware of the consequences of not fulfilling my tasks. It should not be out of fear that I get something done but out of satisfaction for the benefits the result will bring.

I am not a procrastinator, I am a dreamer. I believe in myself, in my talents and in my potential. I am proud of what I’ve accomplished and I know I’ll be proud of my next result.

I am the bridge between my dream and reality. What gets created in my mind must be re-created in this world. I will sacrifice, I will work hard. I shall accomplish, what I’ve been postponing for days.

Street Beggars, an everlasting occupation

Begging is a normal site for all big cities. Years pass by, economies rise and fall, traffic lanes change direction, streets get renamed, the faces aren’t the same but begging remains a part of the city’s landscape.

It is sometimes out of pity, empathy or guilt that one gives to the needy. It can cause frustration when the needy become pushy or too insistent on receiving some charity. Continue reading