Rugby league players – scapegoats or villains?

My opinion on all the news is pretty frank.

Players, you are more than just sport stars, you are celebrities whether you like it or not. Children from all over Australia and New Zealand admire and see you as role models. While every person is entitled to privacy, keep in mind that there are people interested in your private life and exposing it. While you wish you could just be left alone and get drunk, and fight like the average person can, you have a greater responsibility.

Getting drunk, fighting and videotaping inappropriate activities, these things aren’t decent. Some of you need to mature. Just because you earn $200 000 a year does not make you immune from your actions – and their consequences.

I would enjoy Rugby League that little bit more if the code finally cleaned up its image. Strangely, actions seem to come about with more urgency after sponsors declare that they will no longer support a club. At least there is a mechanism that makes the whole code jump.

Negative posts don’t make the most exciting blogs but letting off some steam and creating awareness is sometimes worth it.

News articles that provoked this blog post: Matthew Johns disputes group sex details; Sharks player behind Matthew Johns story; Matthew Johns says sorry to woman after being sacked by Channel Nine; Matthew Johns stood down indefinitely by Channel Nine, Melbourne Storm; Johns dumped from Footy Show; Matthew Johns stood down by Channel Nine