
Ironically, I could’ve written this post sooner! Jokes aside, the longer I live, the more I become aware of this issue affecting all of us to some degree.

I ask myself why I decide to write blog posts while I should be reading and preparing a presentation for university. I wait, I sit down and find ways to distract myself while looking busy.

Everything needs to get done first before I can advance. Stuff that I had put off months ago now looks simple and ready to get done. Enough!

I cannot fool myself. I’m aware of the consequences of not fulfilling my tasks. It should not be out of fear that I get something done but out of satisfaction for the benefits the result will bring.

I am not a procrastinator, I am a dreamer. I believe in myself, in my talents and in my potential. I am proud of what I’ve accomplished and I know I’ll be proud of my next result.

I am the bridge between my dream and reality. What gets created in my mind must be re-created in this world. I will sacrifice, I will work hard. I shall accomplish, what I’ve been postponing for days.

To live well and laugh often

The following is a famous poem that has been falsely accredited to many authors. It seems to belong to Bessie Stanley.

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.
-Bessie Stanley

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One year ago

One year ago I came off a plane and landed in Sydney. I caught a bus to Canberra and was finally home after nine months of being away.

Perhaps I came back with my tail in between my legs. It had felt like a long time away. I had no job to go to, no savings left and I was tired from the 9 months I had just lived. Nevertheless, my spirits were lifted, I saw my family again, I realised Canberra is the place for me now and I had my fiancee with me. Continue reading

The Blue Mountains

Earlier this year, I had the privilege to finally visit the Blue Mountains in NSW.

The journey was amazing, I felt like a child on a school excursion. It took a while to get there but every minute of it was interesting. I never imagined there would be so many towns along the way. When I’ve heard that people lived in the Blue Mountains, I always assumed that they would live at the foot of the mountains but never did I expect to see so many houses right at the top!

Without going too much further into it. Here are just a few photos from the trip. Enjoy.

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The Travel Bug

I was on a ferry a couple of months ago in the beautiful city of Sydney.

I was in my own paradise for ten minutes as I sat outside with the wind against my face and the distant lights from the city slowly getting closer.

As I heard small waves knock against the boat, I was able to take in the beauty of everything around me.

It reminded me of travelling. I always tell me friends that it’s not the landscapes that make a trip memorable, it’s what you’re feeling at the time and those short moments you experience while doing ordinary every day activities.

Being on that ferry brought back many memories of places I have visited. At that moment I wished I was back there to retrace my steps as an older person.

That’s when I realised that when you travel you leave pieces of your heart at every place you visit. As time goes on, those pieces of your heart call to you, asking you to come back. And I believe it’s not enough to visit a place just once.