Street Beggars, an everlasting occupation

Begging is a normal site for all big cities. Years pass by, economies rise and fall, traffic lanes change direction, streets get renamed, the faces aren’t the same but begging remains a part of the city’s landscape.

It is sometimes out of pity, empathy or guilt that one gives to the needy. It can cause frustration when the needy become pushy or too insistent on receiving some charity. Continue reading

Barticciotto, loyal to his principles until the end. Farewell our hero.

“A player who makes the team great is more valuable than a great player. Losing yourself for the group for the good of the group, that’s teamwork.”

In sport, it isn’t very often that an outsider enters a club, brings about epic success, falls in love with the club, leaves and then comes back to retire there. It is also less often that the same player can come back ten years afterward and become coach of the club he most cherishes. Every Colo-Colo fan in Chile and the rest of the world is forever grateful for Marcelo’s feats as a player, his dedication as a coach, and his integrity to his word. Continue reading

How to create a blog in a few easy steps

This is how I did it by the way.

1. Decide on a url address that you would like to have and register that name with a domain host. This will cost money.

2. You then have to purchase hosting space for that domain name, this can be done with the same organisation where the domain was registered or another organisation that appeals to you. Make sure your hosting contract includes access to a MySQL database.

3. You can download blog software for free from various sites.

4. Upload the software to the server where your website sits.

5. Familiarise yourself with the software and then start blogging.

There are easier and cheaper ways of creating a blog but this way you get to keep the website address that you choose and customising the blog is less limited. One day if you would like something more complete, you can delete the blog and put a fully functional website in its place.

Good luck.