New year, same blog purpose

So after a break, I thought I’d get back into Blogging. This time I’m writing from my iPad. It’s not the fastest way to type but I can’t be bothered booting up my desktop just to write this. In all honesty, this is one task that my blackberry bold can handle better than an iPad (or any touchscreen device for that matter).

I’ve read some blogging tips over the break and once again it seems that personal blogging is doomed. Apparently one must blog about a specific niche topic and offer readers material that’s important to them. One can’t use a blog like a journal anymore. While it’s not necessary for non-professional bloggers to follow a rule book, sticking to one theme makes sense.

This year I plan to write more about my professional interests and development. It might not attract as many readers but at least it creates a log of my career at different stages.

As for New Year resolutions, I’d be content with moving into a business analysis role by the end of the year. I’m going to invest in my knowledge and skills and I look forward to reporting on my progress soon.