Death Penalty, Abortion and Euthanasia

Death Penalty

I’ll agree, there are some nasty and mentally ill people on this planet however, killing people as a form of punishment is not a healthy way to teach a society. The state killing people, teaches others that killing is acceptable and appropriate. In summary, it provokes violence. We use the term civilised as a positive adjective. Let us move forward as a human race, leaving behind violent and barbaric customs.


It’s the woman’s body, a baby is her commitment for the next 18 years. A woman might have been raped, a woman’s life may be at risk due to the pregnancy, the baby may be born with serious health problems. Whatever the case may be, a woman should have the right to choose what action to take before the baby is born.

The woman is the living person. At that moment, she has a greater commitment to those around her than her unborn child. The woman therefore is the priority before her child is.

Let us not take that woman’s freedom and liberty away by dictating what she can or can’t do with her body and her embryo.

I can already imagine the arguments against what I have just written. “How can I oppose terminating the life of a guilty person who could have killed thousands or raped hundreds and at the same time agree to kill an innocent unborn child who has committed no crime?”

My rebuttal is this. I am not in favour of killing unborn babies, I do believe that the option should be enabled, leaving this important decision to the parents alone but ultimately it is the woman’s choice.

Illegalising abortion does not eliminate the act. Abortions occur whether they are legal or not, the only difference being the amount of suffering, anguish and danger encountered in the latter.

Give women access to medical assistance on this important and sensitive issue.


Just because you are sick or are suffering does not mean that you are unable to make conscious decisions.

Every person should be treated with respect and dignity. If one has lost the will to live, then others should respect the request to leave this place with dignity.

I anticipate the accusations of hypocrisy again. “How can I defend criminals from facing a death penalty and then be happy to kill sick people that are in too much pain to rationalise logically?”

I say this, if one is in too much pain, how immoral it is to expect and oblige someone to undergo this trauma.

I understand that not everyone will agree on these three separate issues but I ask you to respect my views as I can accept that others are too entitled to their own opinions.

4 thoughts on “Death Penalty, Abortion and Euthanasia

  1. Interesting comments there Reinaldo

    Here are some of my views in regards to your arguments on each subject.

    Death Penalty

    Human life is a sacred thing, and killing is not an answer to many of the world’s problems… but in some rare cases I think capital punishment may do more good then bad.

    If the law can set an early example of how severe certain penalties pertain to severe crimes it will act as a deterrent for the wrong doer.

    If you knew certain crimes equate to the death penalty you might be less inclined to commit them.
    Islam is an example of how capital punishment can work in society. The spirit of the Islamic penal code is to save lives, promote justice, and prevent corruption and tyranny. Lets face it, some people are not needed on this Earth and without them the world would be a happier place.


    I think that Human life is not owned by anyone but god as it is his creation. You may have done the act to start the process of human life but everything after Sex is not the creation of us Humans and therefore abortion does not become a black and white decision. I think a decision could be made on the unborn baby up until a certain amount of days into conception.

    Abortion is a delicate matter and I’m not sure if there is a hard and fast rule pertaining to it. I believe we are all gods’ property and can’t determine single-handedly the length of his own life or of the lives of others or to end others lives prematurely.


    Same Principle used as in the Abortion section. I believe we don’t have a say when to terminate the life god has given us. The pain or torture a person is feeling to want to take their own lives may be punishment for sins they have committed earlier in their lives and god may be putting them through a cleansing process.

    All this is my opinion and is open to debate.


  2. Interesting comments there Reinaldo

    Here are some of my views in regards to your arguments on each subject.

    Death Penalty

    Human life is a sacred thing, and killing is not an answer to many of the world’s problems… but in some rare cases I think capital punishment may do more good then bad.

    If the law can set an early example of how severe certain penalties pertain to severe crimes it will act as a deterrent for the wrong doer.

    If you knew certain crimes equate to the death penalty you might be less inclined to commit them.
    Islam is an example of how capital punishment can work in society. The spirit of the Islamic penal code is to save lives, promote justice, and prevent corruption and tyranny. Lets face it, some people are not needed on this Earth and without them the world would be a happier place.


    I think that Human life is not owned by anyone but god as it is his creation. You may have done the act to start the process of human life but everything after Sex is not the creation of us Humans and therefore abortion does not become a black and white decision. I think a decision could be made on the unborn baby up until a certain amount of days into conception.

    Abortion is a delicate matter and I’m not sure if there is a hard and fast rule pertaining to it. I believe we are all gods’ property and can’t determine single-handedly the length of his own life or of the lives of others or to end others lives prematurely.


    Same Principle used as in the Abortion section. I believe we don’t have a say when to terminate the life god has given us. The pain or torture a person is feeling to want to take their own lives may be punishment for sins they have committed earlier in their lives and god may be putting them through a cleansing process.

    All this is my opinion and is open to debate.


  3. Dealing with a premature baby is not easy. Women go through a lot of pain and struggle during pregnancy only with the hope to see a healthy baby delivered. But when someone delivers a premature baby it takes a lot of courage to accept the fact and deal with the concequences especially when the doctors do not have a lot of hope for the baby.

  4. Dealing with a premature baby is not easy. Women go through a lot of pain and struggle during pregnancy only with the hope to see a healthy baby delivered. But when someone delivers a premature baby it takes a lot of courage to accept the fact and deal with the concequences especially when the doctors do not have a lot of hope for the baby.

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