Back to business

I’m glad to say that I’ve finally managed to get my space back.

I know that there hasn’t been enough context given in recent posts.

Back in September, this site was hacked and defaced. I’m not going to go into details for security reasons but I knew I had to change things to protect myself.

While trying to keep all the content I removed everything I had and started from scratch with a fresh wordpress installation. This was very necessary although I wasn’t sure I could keep all the content.

I was finally able to move over without any hassles. The only tasks left to do are to re-attach all the images to posts that had them and also, attempt to simplify the number of blog categories I have. I hope to have this done within a week so that I can focus on my content and of course, traversing through life.

I apologise for the self-focussed nature of recent posts. I’m really pleased with the outcome, so much so that I can’t contain it. 🙂