Three things I like about WordPress

  1. You are in control of where your data resides. Therefore, you have ownership of all material which is original and created by you.
  2. Your blog isn’t subject to sudden change. Unlike private social media services where terms and conditions can change at any moment. With private social media services, when new terms are presented to you, there is no negotiation. Either you accept the new conditions or you can no longer use the service. If you have your own blog on WordPress, you need not worry about sudden changes because you own the software, you control your content and the rest is up to you.
  3. You are demonstrating your initiative and drive. You believe in self expression and you have the ability to publish your work using the technology available today. Anyone can sign up for a social media service; not everyone has the know-how and initiative to proceed to set up a self-hosted blog and then pay for it to get their word out.