Football and Work

I like playing football because of the nature of the game. Firstly, it’s a team sport and the results of a match are the consequence of the effort exerted (as long as the referee doesn’t unfairly influence the outcome).
The other aspects I enjoy are that it is fluid, unpredictable, and requires a balanced strategy.
What do I mean by balance?
In order to win a match, you must use both offensive and defensive tactics. If you focus too much on defending, then you decrease the chances of scoring, which is needed to win. If you focus only on scoring, you leave your team open to a counter attack and you may be beaten by the other side despite having a few goals in your favour. A balance is needed throughout the whole game.
The sport is much like my profession. Risks must be taken in order to achieve success yet you mustn’t leave yourself exposed to failure.
Every second of a soccer match has uncertainty. Such as the pace of play, the opponent’s tactics and the changing formation on the field. Uncertainty is also present in business. This requires the ability to adapt to constant changes in circumstances throughout a project or engagement.
The nature of business engagements are fluid. Attention and work is always needed to keep these engagements successful.
Balance is required and usually, the efforts exerted are recognised and rewarded.
This is how I think football and work are related.

A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.

H. Stanley Judd