Smile now, cry later

If you are young and have no long term commitments (children, marriage) then I encourage you to go after what you want even if this means breaking or even exceeding your budget.

Let’s be realistic, you’ll be able to pay back your debt within a year. Go overseas, travel, get a loan, buy a car. It is liberating, humbling and the best way to appreciate what you have. It provides the motivation you need to get going.

While I have never liked to spend all I have, I haven’t been a long term saver either. Recently, I’ve taken to make the most of the present and spend without remorse.

What I have learned is that you can never really be free until you spend more than you have. There is nothing more humbling than hitting rock bottom.

You can never really appreciate what you have until you are broke.

What better motivation than to not have any money and realise you’ve got yourself to get out of this mess.

Remember, being broke is temporary, being poor is long term.

Appreciate what you have although somtimes you will need to hit rock bottom to achieve this.