Tire me

We live in an unbalanced world. As soon as we accept that, we will make the most of our time.

When things are good, it only takes one incident to dampen your morale. When things are bad, eventually (and sometimes suddenly) something great happens and makes you smile again.

It’s been this way for years. I guess life is a collection of reminders that we don’t have a lot of time left. We have good times and bad times.

As I’ve said before on this site. How can you really savour the sweetness of the orange if you’ve never tasted the bitterness of the lemon?

Our highs are joyous because they lift us far beyond our normal state. Our lows take us to new levels of disappointment.

Throughout your lifetime, you can decide to collect and reflect on bad moments or you can look back on only the good ones. There are times when you feel tired, you get tired. You get frustrated that all the bad things occur at once.

This is what I call resilience. We all need to rise above it. Feeling tired? Then run a marathon! We all can.
Fight back!
Our minds hold us back!
We must continue!
It’s going to be like this, every day, until our last day here. We may as well get good at it.

So as I sit here close to midnight, tired, frustrated, I take all my mental energy and look forward to tomorrow. I was born for this.

Nothing can ever tire me! I will never stop advancing. Time is under my control. I’m too busy living well to let myself really get tired.

You must first taste the bitterness of the lemon to be able to really appreciate the sweetness of the orange.

Reinaldo Bravo (2010)

Happiness is a journey, not a destination….

Father Alfred D’Souza

You shouldn’t be working toward and waiting for a point in your life when you will be happy. You should be happy now and every day while you attempt to achieve your goals. You should at least be excited that you’ve got a dream to follow.

Life is like an ocean, you have to ******* drown in it to feel its intensity

Johnny Depp (playing George Jung) in the movie – Blow

A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.

H. Stanley Judd

The last 12 months in review

This year was supposed to be my Sabbatical year. It seems more like my Karma year with many lessons to learn (and not knowing what all of them were).

I guess it’s given me a new perspective and a different way of viewing and analyzing situations. The things you take for granted become apparent in tough times. And as boring as it is to hear this, it’s always the simple and free things which make your time here enjoyable.

Time is the most important commodity given to us (after health of course). The way in which we use time is vital to our well being. Time is used to afford living expenses and accumulate wealth. Time is used to create and maintain relationships with other human beings. Time is used to rest, in order to carry out the tasks asked of the human body.

Nowadays it is so easy to misuse or waste time. Hours can be spent on activities that do not produce any benefit for the person taking part. The internet is a great provider of time consumption, you don’t really notice this until you are procrastinating one night when you should be working on something or else sleeping. Writing blogs can also be seen as a waste of time. Reading them also (we’re all guilty now)!

Anyway, things I have learned.

  1. Reconsider how you spend each minute of free time.
  2. Respect your body, this means sleeping well
  3. Respect your stomach, eating well
  4. Respect your life, don’t take health risks – this means think twice before drinking or taking drugs, try to avoid travelling on motorcycles or bicycles, don’t speed while driving
  5. Find ways to cut back on items you don’t need to spend money on. Rethink buying candy, magazines, cans of soft drink etc.
  6. Value your family and loved ones. Try to spend time with them before you get too old.
  7. Every year you should be adding value to your wealth or savings. You might need to rely on these things one day.
  8. Every day should be a step (large or small) toward your final destination.
  9. A man is not his job, that is just one aspect of the man.

Anyway, I give thanks for this year. Although it hasn’t been an easy year, it wasn’t all bad either.

I eagerly await 2010. I’m sure it has great things in store for everybody.

There are two types of people in this world. Those who write their own script and those who have their script written for them.

Me (reinaldo bravo)

My Letter to the Universe

At this point in time, I forgive myself for my failures and short-comings. I forgive the mistakes of the past.

I accept who I am in the present and I am proud of who I have become

I forgive everyone who has ever wronged me

All situations that were hard to bare are now in the past

While I have regrets, I think that they were necessary to go through as they have become my greatest teachers

I am here to embrace a new chapter in my life

I welcome all the good that awaits me

I am surrounded by beauty and opportunities

Thank you