Balanced energy and attitude

I’ve made the decision to pursue a healthier lifestyle. During my adolescence I was an active sportsman. I played both soccer and basketball. Now I’d like to move somewhere near the level of health and fitness I enjoyed then.

After talking to a few people about health I’ve noticed that there are different philosophies behind achieving these outcomes.

Some people treat physical activity as though it were a chore. They may associate training along the same lines as they would with work. I also notice that when it comes to diet, people tend to restrict themselves of things they enjoy. By going without they are sacrificing and perhaps suffering somewhat. By rejecting the food they like, they are punishing themselves in order to achieve a result. This only lasts for so long until they deem they are entitled to a “cheat” day where they can then indulge on the food that has been tormenting them during the week.

I don’t think this is a very helpful trend to keep. First of all, if you are engaging in any activity, it should be something you look forward to. If the gym is your activity then it should become your sacred place. You must enjoy it on the way there, you should be charged with strong positive emotions before the workout and you should enjoy the satisfaction once finished and commuting home.

On the issue of diet, you shouldn’t have to feel as though you are making a sacrifice. Being able to choose health over cravings should give you instant reward. Sure, I like soda drinks, I think it tastes good, I enjoy drinking it but if one day I feel as though I don’t need it then I simply choose not to have it. It’s not as if I am rejecting it or going against my desires. I simply decide that I don’t need to drink it at this point in time and thereby remove any emotions of guilt, deprivation or rejection.

Exercise and dieting shouldn’t feel as though they are sacrifices and costs you have to make to get to a destination. Improving one’s health should be enjoyable every step of the way. If you are at the gym and pushing yourself because you feel guilty or you need to punish yourself, then you may need to change your attitude and ensure your energy is positive to your goals.