Being sick and away from work

It’s not something many of us look forward to despite the sarcasm around it; using sick days inform work in a legitimate fashion.

To be in a state where you know that you won’t be productive at work, your coughing will distract others and your sickness might spread to colleagues in your team. These are the main considerations an employee should have when feeling sick. I think the concerns are the same from the view of employers.

It’s not the greatest thing to be at home all day if the reason for this is bad health. Tiredness will keep you from progressing anything pressing or even interesting. Perhaps there’s a sense of guilt that the week will go by and you have delivered much because if your absence.

Whatever the case, it happens to all of us. I’ve been sick for the last two days and I don’t feel recovered yet. I was still able to progress some things that I am responsible for but I couldn’t get any work related stuff done as it resides on my desk at work.

I hope it’s the last time that I am sick this year. It feels good to be in good health although we only re,ark n this in times of sickness. I am grateful for sick days though. There are claims that these privileges are misused but without sick days, we’d lose more money in productivity thanks to those zealous employees who turn up to work sick to show how loyal and courageous they are. I’m glad that my superiors at work are willing to send someone home if they perceive them to look as though they’re too sick to work. Thanks to sick days, I can spend the time resting and recovering while not missing out on my income that I depend on to pay for my living conditions.