The battle of comfortable city

I used to read Michael Moore’s books and listen to Tom Morello on guitar. I liked them because they weren’t material. They weren’t typical.

Now the years rolled by and they are multi millionaires. I can’t relate to them. They are different and I am also different.

But they entertained me when I was younger. That is the point. I could have bought limp bizkit cds but I bought the renegades of funk instead.

It doesn’t matter because in the end both fans and stars want to live in mansions, regardless of whether the genre was alternative or mainstream back then.

Hard wired to run the rat race at full speed.

You can get this great Mexican food in Canberra. Just visit the Gorman House art markets on any Saturday 🙂

I hope to add many photos to this site and my main blog now that I have a trusty camera kit.

Nikon DSLR Camera body and lens kit
Nikon DSLR kit

Where did the last ten years go?
Upon turning eighteen, your life dramatically changes. You are more or less free to choose your future path but more importantly, you are now more accountable for all of your actions and decisions.

With so much choice, there is no doubt an uncertainty that many teenagers experience.

“What if I make a wrong choice and waste time pursuing a path that I might abandon?”

Whether it’s a study path, a job path or a change of location, any decision brings about risk. This risk will warrant some caution before acting.

Then again, during your late teens and early twenties is the best time to experiment and perhaps make a few wrong choices to an extent. Confidence levels, optimism and naivety are generally higher during this period than in other chapters of your life.

What usually happens is that somewhere between the ages of eighteen and twenty seven, you stumble across doing something that you like or somewhere where you prefer to live.

While it’s normal to worry about the future, I think it’s much more important to focus on and enjoy the present. The future isn’t guaranteed but when you look back after ten years, it will be much more rewarding to know that each year was well lived  considering the situation at the time.

This isn’t to say that you should not set goals or plan ahead. Rather, you should put your best into each year and know that nothing is wasted in trying.

I’m no expert and taking each opportunity as it presents itself. I will no doubt use this notion throughout the next ten years a day see where I end up then.

A life well loved is a life well lived

Sometimes people can only identify opportunities once they have passed by

24 hour Kayaking event

I participated in a kayaking event this weekend for charity.

I eneded up completing 7 laps of a 4km course. So after 28km of paddling, I’m actually quite tired.

Thankfully, the event finished at 10am which has given me some time to rest and recover.