Life is like an ocean, you have to ******* drown in it to feel its intensity

Johnny Depp (playing George Jung) in the movie – Blow

Seguir por la vida

No dejes que nada te detenga. Cada uno tiene su camino en la vida y tu deber es seguirlo a tu manera, a tu ritmo. Hay muchos desafios y circunstancias que aveces te pueden detener, pero nada deberia cambiar la direccion de tu camino. Hay que seguir caminando apesar de todo. Aveces no todos queran celebrar tus victorias, incluso uno puede encontrarse con personas que se dedican a hacerte daño. No puedes dejar que ellos logren eso. Por cada muro que encuentres en tu camino, con tu determinacion y fuerza tienes que romper por cualquier barrera. Cada muro es una prueba, mientras mas pruebas tienes, mas victorias tendras al pasarlas. La vida es tuya, si tienes que luchar por tu felicidad, vale la pena seguir porque tu lo mereces.

A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.

H. Stanley Judd

Changes, it all changes

things on the surface change
things profound also change
the way of thinking changes
in this world everything changes

With the years, the climate changes
a shepherd changes his flock
and as everything else changes
It is not strange that I too should change

The finest diamond changes
it’s shine as it’s passed from hand to hand
the nest of a bird changes
and so too the feelings for a lover change

the direction of the traveller changes
despite the harm it may cause
and as everything else changes
it is not strange for me too change also

Changes, it all changes
Changes, it all changes…

the sun changes it’s course
as the night persists
the plant changes
and dresses itself spring green

an animal’s skin changes
so too does the hair of an elder
and as everything else changes
it isn’t strange that I change too

But my love doesn’t change
no matter how far away I am
nor the memories or the hurt
of my town and its people

and what changed yesterday
will again change tomorrow
just as I change
in these remote and distant lands…

But my love doesn’t change
no matter how far away I am
nor the memories or the hurt
of my town and its people
and what changed yesterday
will again change tomorrow
just as I change
in these remote and distant lands..

changes, everything changes
changes, it all changes.

-Julio Numhauser (author of this song)
Original version: here
Slower cover version: here
Punk Rock cover version: here

It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything

Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Public life, private life, secret life

The more you share about yourself, the more you want to protect what is most sacred to you and what really inspires your thoughts. My passions are kept private for fear of having nothing to hold onto if I expose everything about myself.

Some conversations are better enjoyed in privacy, some thoughts are best kept in your mind. 

Self-centred/censored behaviour

Blogging and publishing information about yourself online definitely turns you into more of a self-conscious and ego-centric person. Despite the fact that your hobbies, experiences and preferences can be shared among millions, you’ve never felt so alone.

Those things that generate great interest for you are not being shared to people that you trust but to anyone and everyone. Instead of expressing yourself as genuinely as possible, you find yourself second-guessing your readers and adapting your content for their enjoyment.

Farewell to spiritual privacy

I’ll tell you, it’s really hard to fully let go and be yourself. There’s no one reading but then again, everyone you know could be viewing your content tomorrow. This is a test of your self-confidence.

  • Am I too boring for my friends? 
  • Are my attempts at writing pathetic? 
  • Should I not waste my time on embarrassing myself?

All are valid questions. 


I’ll finish off by adding something about myself. I’m a proud person as I believe everything that has come to me has been a blessing, I believe that I’m guided by the best of values and that my contribution to any activity is a constructive one that unites, educates and enables those around me. You never work in isolation and there is always an opportunity to do good.

It’s important to relish the happy times and take satisfaction in your accomplishments – whether private or well known. This reinforcement enables you to continue to make greater positive impacts throughout your life.

Maybe I try to come across as wise, maybe I spend too much time thinking in my head and maybe my philosophy isn’t sufficiently explored. (maybe my writing style could be better practised also).

I take joy in simplicity. You do what you can when you can. You’ve got to do things that make you happy and proud, provided you are guided by the right sentiments and values, your actions will be appreciated by those whose favour you’re seeking.

…that’s about it for tonight.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.

William James