It’s been a year

Well, I’ve been here for a year now. Uploading photos, videos, quotes, short ramblings.

Tumblr is a great tool for easy blogging. I enjoy using the site. I’ve been a bit lazy lately but that’s because I’ve been pre-occupied with studies and my new job.

This past year has been amazing for me. I’ve been waiting for this feeling for a few years now. I have a sense of security and direction. That doesn’t make me sound very good but I feel like I’ve been rewarded for my dreaming and my efforts.

Now that good times are ahead, I hope to start publishing material of higher context and that is hopefully more interesting. On the hobbies side of things, I aim to improve my drawing skills as well as learn more about photography. Perhaps you’ll find more artistic contributions here in the future.

Peace to all.
R. Bravo