Why I have never been to i-world

Now that we are deeply immersed in a globalised, international technology market, a few monopolies have successfully emerged.

Microsoft’s stranglehold over computer Operating Systems is an example. Another is Apple’s conquer of the portable music industry and it’s strong influence in the smart phone business.

There are three things that keep me from buying into an i-world lifestyle.
1. I’d have to create an account with i-tunes and from then on document (and submit) my life over to Apple through this interface.
2. I’d have to purchase additional products from Apple for improved convenience.
3. Everything I could do with an Apple product will be in a closed environment with excessive limitations (both physical and software) and a lack of interoperability.

Here’s the biggest show stopper. I use Ubuntu Linux, a free and open source operating system. It competes with Apple’s “snow leopard” OS and the Macintosh computer. Why did I mention the computer? This is because to use Apple’s OS, I will need to purchase the hardware/computer from Apple to run the software.

So my problem is that i-tunes will not work on Linux as this free operating system is not supported by Apple.

Basically, going Apple appears to be an expensive buy-in. I like having control of the media I create and would not like an internet interface to impose restrictions on the media (songs, videos, photos) I’ve purchased or created.

Apple’s hardware is expensive, so is their software. All their products are hyped up to entice you, then you’re more inclined to purchase more products until you’re whole day is lived by using an array of Apple products at different times.

Apple is an emerging giant in the electronics age. I will resist before handing over my privacy, my money and my allegiance over to this empire. The fact that open source projects like linux are attracting more users and funding is what assures me of staying clear of this corporate civilization know as Apple.