Cheap electronics

Ever since owning my first cassette panasonic portable music player (walkman) I’ve had an everlasting addiction to electronics.

I get so tempted to go out and buy things these days just because everything is so affordable. 

At the moment there are a few must haves that I’ll be trying to acquire:

  • Netbook
  • Point and shoot digital camera
  • HD pocket size video camcorder
  • Digital SLR camera

Although, today’s point and shoot cameras have HD movie mode and so do the SLRs that I’m thinking of getting (although HD recording isn’t recommended on SLR as the lens can get dirty and it kills the battery time).

So that I don’t make any hasty decisions, I will wait until mid July to make any purchases. Hopefully by then I will have the money to buy something that suits my needs as opposed to just suiting my wallet.