Travelling, I only stop at exits
wondering if I’ll stay
young and restless living this way
I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
the pain sets in and I don’t cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why

Nelly Furtado – All good things



People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world.

Michael Josephson

Fast food, my menu favourites

Grand Anugs Burger - McDonalds

When it comes to take-away/fast food, I’m easy to please. Although I like to portray the image of eating healthy and all the rest, there are times where it is simply more convenient to grab something on the go.

I’ve gone through phases throughout my adult years of avoiding or frequenting fast food chains. I have my favourite menu items for the typical fast food outlets. I’d like to share my choices with you.

McDonalds: The grand angus burger, their deluxe chicken burgers and chicken nuggets. Big mac from time to time is good also.

Hungry Jacks: Whopper with cheese, grilled chicken burger.

KFC: Toasted traditional twister, the best thing offered there since 1999 (when I first became acquainted with them).

Subway: A foot long roasted chicken sub with all the salads, minus jalapeños and onions, and (ironically) with sweet onion sauce

Local Take-away: Chicken schnitzel burger, chips with either gravy or chicken salt.

Ali Baba: Beef kebab with homus, lettuce, tomato, tabouli. No other sauce.

Nandos: Chicken supreme wrap with corn cobs.

Oporto: Double chicken burger, no chilli sauce.

Kingsleys chicken: Either the traditional chicken burger with lettuce, tomato and mayo or skinless chicken breast and gravy sub.

Asian food: Spring rolls, fried rice, any beef or chicken menu item.

Turkish restaurants: Pretty much anything, but Turkish pizza, zucchini puffs and kofte are my favourites.

Pizza chain: Supreme or vegetarian. Sometimes pepperoni is good too.

So those are my options when it’s late and I’m hungry and no where else is open. Another thing I noticed recently: You know you’ve become an adult when you look forward to the gherkins in your big mac or cheese burger.

Que el viento siempre este a tu espalda
y el sol que brille en tu cara
y que las alas del destino te lleven hacia el cielo
para que bailes con las estrellas

Un salud traducido hacia español de la pelicula “Blow”, 2001.

The last 12 months in review

This year was supposed to be my Sabbatical year. It seems more like my Karma year with many lessons to learn (and not knowing what all of them were).

I guess it’s given me a new perspective and a different way of viewing and analyzing situations. The things you take for granted become apparent in tough times. And as boring as it is to hear this, it’s always the simple and free things which make your time here enjoyable.

Time is the most important commodity given to us (after health of course). The way in which we use time is vital to our well being. Time is used to afford living expenses and accumulate wealth. Time is used to create and maintain relationships with other human beings. Time is used to rest, in order to carry out the tasks asked of the human body.

Nowadays it is so easy to misuse or waste time. Hours can be spent on activities that do not produce any benefit for the person taking part. The internet is a great provider of time consumption, you don’t really notice this until you are procrastinating one night when you should be working on something or else sleeping. Writing blogs can also be seen as a waste of time. Reading them also (we’re all guilty now)!

Anyway, things I have learned.

  1. Reconsider how you spend each minute of free time.
  2. Respect your body, this means sleeping well
  3. Respect your stomach, eating well
  4. Respect your life, don’t take health risks – this means think twice before drinking or taking drugs, try to avoid travelling on motorcycles or bicycles, don’t speed while driving
  5. Find ways to cut back on items you don’t need to spend money on. Rethink buying candy, magazines, cans of soft drink etc.
  6. Value your family and loved ones. Try to spend time with them before you get too old.
  7. Every year you should be adding value to your wealth or savings. You might need to rely on these things one day.
  8. Every day should be a step (large or small) toward your final destination.
  9. A man is not his job, that is just one aspect of the man.

Anyway, I give thanks for this year. Although it hasn’t been an easy year, it wasn’t all bad either.

I eagerly await 2010. I’m sure it has great things in store for everybody.