How’s this for a story?

On the way home after grocery shopping, I was hoping to complement tonight’s lasagne meal with some (take-away) Turkish bread and cucumber dip from our local Turkish restaurant.

The bread costs $3.50 and the small dip $6.50 making my purchase, a total of $9.50.

As I went to pay (using my bank card) I was notified that the minimum transaction allowed is $10. So I stood there for a second looking at the cashier waiting, thinking for a solution. I was advised that I could purchase a drink from them, to take me over the $10 minimum. I replied that I didn’t wish to purchase a drink, just the bread with one dip.

I was then given the opportunity to pay an extra $0.50 just to bring me up to the minimum and pay using my card. I asked if it was possible to just let me pay $9.50 and was told, no. I asked if the machine would allow a transaction of $9.50 and was told that it costs them money to allow transactions that are less than $10.

So I said “It’s alright mate, maybe next time” and left the premise.

What do they care, one customer isn’t going to impact on their business. At least they didn’t have to pay a surcharge for allowing that amount to be charged.

The loser is me right? I went there to get bread, I had my mind set on it. I could’ve easily bought another loaf of bread for $3.50 or another dip if I was feeling really generous (as I didn’t need extra food). I could’ve withdrawn money from an ATM before going in there.

In my opinion, bread wasn’t part of the meal. It would’ve only complemented it. I saved $9.50 that I was willing to spend anyway. Better yet, my body is about 200 calories lighter thanks to not eating bread and yoghurt cucumber dip.

Who’s more stubborn? The restaurant or me?

You must first taste the bitterness of the lemon to be able to really appreciate the sweetness of the orange.

Reinaldo Bravo (2010)

Happiness is a journey, not a destination….

Father Alfred D’Souza

You shouldn’t be working toward and waiting for a point in your life when you will be happy. You should be happy now and every day while you attempt to achieve your goals. You should at least be excited that you’ve got a dream to follow.

MSG, could it be?

Yesterday I had a strange experience at work. I ate (many) nacho corn chips in the morning tea provided and discovered that msg or preservative 621 was used as a flavour enhancer. During the rest of the day I noticed symptoms such as:

  • headache
  • bloating
  • drowsiness

I don’t know if it had to do with the MSG I consumed earlier that day or if I was purely just getting sick. One day on, all these symptoms have gone away.

Could it be that I had an adverse reaction to MSG? What do you think?

It’s been a year

Well, I’ve been here for a year now. Uploading photos, videos, quotes, short ramblings.

Tumblr is a great tool for easy blogging. I enjoy using the site. I’ve been a bit lazy lately but that’s because I’ve been pre-occupied with studies and my new job.

This past year has been amazing for me. I’ve been waiting for this feeling for a few years now. I have a sense of security and direction. That doesn’t make me sound very good but I feel like I’ve been rewarded for my dreaming and my efforts.

Now that good times are ahead, I hope to start publishing material of higher context and that is hopefully more interesting. On the hobbies side of things, I aim to improve my drawing skills as well as learn more about photography. Perhaps you’ll find more artistic contributions here in the future.

Peace to all.
R. Bravo

I look up to the sky and now the world is mine, I’ve known it all my life I made it!…I used to dream about, the life I’m living now, I know that there’s no doubt, I made it.

-Kevin Rudolph, “I made it”

A bit of a self-indulgent (American) song. I can’t completely relate to it, but the sentiment can be motivating. That’s why I’m quoting it.