Los Momentos – The Moments

Your shadow goes walking with its soul sad and asleep
now the Northern Lights are nothing new for your big eyes and your forehead
now the sky and its stars remain silent, distant and dead to your detached mind

They spoke to us once when we were children
about life when it unfolds
about the future, when we’d be older
that’s where the moments died
this is how they planted the seed,
and we were scared, we trembled and with this, our lives vanished

la la da, la da da….

each of them, clinging to their gods
a product of an entire history
they mould them and destroy them
and this is how they organise their lives
on their heads they place coins
and on their long arms they hang locks, signs and fences

my translation from Spanish to English of the song, Los Momentos by Los Blops.

Balance in lifeĀ 

The art to living life is to find a way to balance the different aspects and commitments in one’s life. Time is never in abundance so attempting balance becomes almost utopian. 
Whilst seldom few have arranged their time to achieve balance, it seems the next best thing is to address parts of your life that have been neglected for some time. 

My view is that there needs to be appreciation and focus on: 

  • health, 
  • goals, 
  • relationships, 
  • Culture or education, 
  • career and in some cases,
  • spirituality. 

So if time has escaped you and you feel as though you’ve experienced the incorrect balance, the least you can do is to set aside time to identify which aspects of your life require better balance. In doing so, you’ll be that much closer to exploring the solution to whichever imbalance affects you now.