
I just read a blog about hobbies that men tend to participate in and it made me think about which hobbies I currently undertake and which ones I’d also like to start doing.

So below is a list of activities that would make a weekend or time off enjoyable for me.

  • Making espresso coffee
  • Kayaking
  • Photography
  • Playing guitar
  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Cycling
  • Weight training
  • Walking
  • Blogging
  • Barbecuing 
  • Cooking
  • Shaving
  • Mixing cocktails
  • Conversations about technology or careers

The list above includes the activities I can already do but wish I could do more of. There are of course other hobbies that I’d like to take up at some point in the future such as to learn another language.

Being so early in the year, I think it would be good to start reviewing this list every week to ensure that I can at least partake in one these hobbies every weekend. If I can do that then it would probably make for a more enjoyable year. Even taking a stay-cation doesn’t sound so boring now.