Linux again

It’s late and I should be sleeping but I wonder whether or not I should download and use Linux again. Last time I used it, I was running xp on an old laptop and downloaded ubuntu 7.04. I had the dual boot option and had even experimented with kubuntu though I notice there was more time and emphasis given to gnome version. I skipped the 7.10 install and waited for 8.04 The last version I was using was 8.10 and I was happy with it. Since then I have given away that laptop and have acquired a new one with Vista Home premium on it. I am content with everything on it, but I am getting the feeling that I need another OS just to make the decision every time I boot up.

The only thing holding me back is having to download some programs and configure everything on linux such as my email client. But then again, I should just get it and use it as a web browser and for office related documents as I don’t have MS office and wouldn’t need to download openoffice for vista if i get ubuntu or kubuntu. I haven’t tried Kubuntu for a while. I think that might be my choice.