I’m a business analyst and technology enthusiast. Blogging has become such an interesting journey for me. It’s great to publish your own content online.
I have a few hobbies but none that I devote a great deal of time to. They include but are not limited to:
- Classical guitar
- DSLR Photography; and
- Flat water kayaking
I like to help people and to solve problems. I’ve also been fascinated by technology since my family bought our first computer back in the mid 90s. For these reasons, I’ve pursued the role of IT business analyst in my career. It’s great to help understand and resolve larger IT problems for a living.
Purpose or Mission of this Blog
I first started this blog to express my views on certain issues whilst improving my writing. I then used to this blog to record my career journey on the way to becoming a business analyst. My purpose remains to comment on issues that are important to me and keep a record of my progress. This blog is now five years old and I look forward to seeing where the next five years takes me. Stay tuned!
I’ve licensed my content under a Creative Commons license. You are free to use my work as you please. I only ask that you don’t take my writings out of context and that you acknowledge your sources.
Due to a large number of spam comments, I’ve closed comments on old blog posts. If you’d like to engage with any of these previous posts, feel free to share on Google+ or Twitter and I’d be happy to respond.
Where else do I live
Apart from this presence I have other online profiles.
Tumble log
Feel free to connect with me through those services or send me a message on the Contact page.